Not all SeRPs have GITLAB Provisioned internally, if you would like GITLAB - please contact the helpdesk and GITLAB will be provisioned.
Terms used:
Groups = Organisation of Projects within a Research Project
Projects = Collection of code within a Group. Also known as a Repo in other applications.
How does it work?
SeRP automatically creates a GROUP for each Research Project in S3. To be able to access that "Group" you need to be in a role with GIT Access for that Research Project. By default, all GIT Access is RW.
When logged into SeRP you will need to navigate to the relevant GITLAB instance. The screenshot below demonstrates logging into the GITLab UI and selecting "Groups". ALL "Groups" that your user account has access to will be listed.
As a user you have the option to create your own "Project" within that "Group" if you wish to branch your own code or work collaboratively on a project. The screenshot below demonstrates the "Main Project" that has been created for this "Group" and my own "Project"
If you wish to create your own "Project" you can click on "New Project" and then select the type of project AND who has access to this "project" within the "Group"